Calling now, Hase over here ends up joining the group in like 3 or so chapters
can someone help me I’m kinda confused on who Hase is (sorry for my ignorance :/ ).
Dude who bullied Okarun, he was around in the first chapter
No its a diffrent guy
So hase and okarun partnered up for a gym class but okarun beat him in a race. So since then he has lost his popularity
He was the guy Takakura beat in the 50 meter dash.
They said that hase was the popular kid who “lost” to takakura in the PE examinations
I am now finished with my Dandadan binge. I’ll see you again in 10 months when the manga is possibly finished
Hase was okaruns bully before momo stepped in at the start of the series
He was one of Okarun’s bullies. The very first time we meet Okarun in the classroom, Hase’s the one that tells him to stop staring at him
hase was that boy who was bullying ken takakura/okarun in the first chapters and momo came and kinda saved okarun
again hase is that boy who was talking about the rumor aira shiratori spread that time about momo ayase that “she has slept with multiple boy” and then one day hase was in his class and was saying to his friends “yk mom is a real slut” okarun heard it and he was angry and he transformed and threatened hase to not badmouth ayase san
and then okarun beat hase on the sports ..thus hase becomes jealous of okarun
I think he’s just some jock that Okarun beat in gym class a few chapters back
At starting few chapter in thakura class there was a boy who disrespected takakura
the guy okarun beat in the fitness test
read the last 4 chapters lil bro
I dont want anymore characters D:
he can replace Kinta 😀
What’s wrong with Kinta?
i kinda want kinta to be replaced even though he carried in some parts of the alien fighting part but he’s also creepy, around woman specifically. reminds me of those creepy weebs and their anime waifus
he not that cool ngl and + he is a perv that why people don’t like him Or they hate fat people idk
MFs would unironically prefer a bully to the goat… smh smh
well im just saying my opinion. if it was a different person then i would prefer them over kinta. I just want no more people in the squad its too much. I preferred when it was just 4 of them. Momo, Okarun, Jiji, and Aira.
if there is a fight and they drag it out prob a little more chapers after he joins em 100%
I hope Hase doesn’t join the squad, it already has too many people as it is…
hope as well dont so
pls suck on my pickle
Goatkarun’s got motion fr
Yo fire I can’t wait for next chapter and see okarun fight in human form ( i really think that he still has grannys power or she will return at right time) ,,,,,🔥🔥
Fr it’s be so cool watching turbo granny return
It’s getting boring now
Real bro
Wait, doesn’t saint german already know okarun has no power rn? He himself tried to take okarun’s powers and it didn’t work.
He didnt actually stab Okarun, just made him admit defeat and for whatever reason didnt go for the stabby stab
No he didn’t
No, Okarun only lost his powers like the day before and he wasn’t cut in the fight and saint germain probably didn’t see the fight
i thought that was more that okarun wasnt actually admitting defeat and was saying whatever to get him off his back, which was technically what he wanted but probably not in the spirit of it :p
He doesn’t know, he tried earlier to make Okarun submit in a verbal debate but he left before German could use the knife.
didn’t came out well
just how many of these knives exist?
It was originally a blade used to steal power but was finally put away to stop any more harm to those who want power to themselves, however the blade was broken into smaller pieces so while they can still steal power ots not as strong
it really doesn’t matter, start asking the real questions like when is okarun and momo gonna smash
BORING!! Just like the Enemy “GOD” in One Punch Man
5 girls okarun 😐😭
it should have been me not him
when next chapter? 😢😢😢
every mondayyy
prolly the 14th
i think that sanjome is the one who gave the daggers to them
when next ch gonna release
It’s the same jumping crone power used by Germain back when he fought the fairy-tale card
This info has so much potential
Holy, this is going places, can’t wait for next chapter!
oh my goddd need next chapter
Count Saint Germain reminds me of Pucci from jojo’s
This shi so tuff
Can’t wait for next chapter
ggood thing turbo granny has the power
Okarun is a fizzled nowadays💀💀
This is straight up Jojos
F**king finally cant wait for 181
Bro the end is 100 speed granny tuebo granny sis
How does Ken have so much rizz
can’t wait for the next chapter, ken’s starting to have so much rizz
Most probably i dont think hase will join their group… yeah although okarun and others can team up with him to find the person behind giving these knifes but he wont become a part of the group.
writers really edging momo going
back to her normal size ffs
Does he have turbo granny’s powers now?
Ro why do we have to wait 1 week for 1 chapter
I bet my non existent fish that its “Count saint Germain”
when is the next chapter coming? >:
may we get to the love bro 🙁
Whens the next chap?
Man, it feels like Jojo now. Sanjome being Dio, giving random people stand power using a sharp object.
saint germain appears again, almost kissed my screen there woah
I do have to say this chapter wasn’t as intense or dramatic as the other ones thats why I think people are calling it boring but im super excited to have the dandagang back and I can’t wait for the next chapter!
let wait 1trillion more years 4 the next chap T-T
so many useless characters
Okarun is a rizzler nowadays 💀💀
I swear, the more time passes the more I realize that people only hate Kinta solely because he’s fat and unattractive.
Like, if you REALLY STOP TO THINK, what perverted thing has Kinta REALLY done so far? People talk about him like he’s a harasser and a sex offender, but what has he ACTUALLY done that’s so horrible so far? Can you answer that?
Dude is just a simp who wants female attention and wants to make girls love him. What’s really SOOO creepy about that? He’s never touched or harassed a girl like Mineta for example. He’s never had purely sexual thoughts about the girls in the group, like Sanji or even Denji for example (Yes, he never has. I reread the whole Dandadan just to make sure) He’s never even had any disgusting scenes of him drooling or some s**t that you see in many other “Pervert anime characters”.
Dude mostly just blushes and gets overwhelmed when a girl interacts with him. That’s all. And yet people talk about him as if he were the most perverted and creepy character ever created. Jiji himself has made much more direct comments and flirted with several girls in more creepy cringe ways all the time, but no one saw a problem with that (Of course, hes hot) yet Kinta doesn’t do even 10% of that and is hated by everyone. It’s literally the Flirting vs Harassment meme.
And this chapter just proved that to me even more. That mf was literally a BULLY and in this very chapter we saw him acting pretty creppy with the two girls, and yet there are people saying they prefer him in the group instead of Kinta. Like, d*mn. Yall are genuinely horrible people
Thought that was turbo granny for a sec,how many old woman ghosts shall there be?
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