I love Momo so much 😻❤️
I thought Zuma got his power from Okarun’s ball.. Now that everything has returned to normal, why does Zuma could still transform and Okarun not?
He got his powers from something else. Okaruns ball just let them use their powers in the game.
It’s his umbrellas!
No, Zuma’s little brother turned into a yokai after he died, then he gave Zuma he’s powers, he only used Okarun’s ball to be able to transform inside the gameboard
Nah I don’t think that’s it, I just think a yokai who uses umbrellas liked Yuma because of his brother and the whole thing with them, that he gave Yuma his powers, I don’t think it’s yumas brother because even turbo granny knows the yokai and she’s been around for at least a century.
Umbrella yokai (kasa-obake) are a very old, pretty common thing in Japanese folklore.
My guess is one of 2 things: either the umbrella itself became the yokai as is how most inanimate object ones are formed (usually due to either neglect or obsession with said object) and was imprinted with his brother’s soul, or his brother became it due to his love for his brother and the umbrella coupled with his tragic death.
I think Zuma has his powers from his brother, back in his arc his dead brothers spirit or something made him able to have the umbrella yokai’s abilities, which is even seen when the cop asks why Zuma didnt tell him about the umbrella powers
Zuma got his powers from the umbrella (his younger brother)
He was able to use his power inside the cursed game cuse of okaruns ball same for momo but when they leave they are able to use it like normal
He got to use his powers since he got them and didnt return them but okarun got his power and returned it
I hope Okarun doesn’t take a backseat because of his lack of powers
okarun gave his powers back to turbo granny, it was a bit ago, thats why he can no longer transform, also zuma got his powers from his dead little brother and okaruns ball let him transform in the cursed object
But I just saw his mask form and that red paint tingy. Which shows his transformation
Okarun gave Granny her powers back several chapters ago
Because he only needed the power from okaruns ball to use brella boys power in the trunk and the same went for the rest if the curse users
Because he has his jewells back and gave turbo grannys power back
‘cause he gave his power to Turbo Granny
Are those dumbass even read the manga or just skip the whole shi
Did you not read the other chapters? Okarun got his balls back and he and turbo granny had a deal where after they got his balls back she would take her power back
Zuma got his power from the yokai that his brother turned into. The golden ball just let him use it while in the cursed trunk
Go and read the previous chapters bro
Because the power came from his dead yokai brother
For those who dont know zuma always had powers but the board disabled them only the one that had okaruns ball can use their power
Why Zuma still has his power? The ball is no longer in his possession.. Even Okarun lost his ability….
Have you not been paying attention??? He had his umbrella abilities before okarun when he saved the officer from drowning. Okarun gave back his powers to turbo granny willingly. I swear the reading comprehension on this site is terrible.
Mfs watch the anime and don’t read manga and it shows lmao. The season ended and they needed more, but they can’t read for s**t
Why people asking how Zuma still got that curse power since he no longer holds Okarun ball ? Its just because the spirit still in Zuma body. Sames goes to Aira Shiratori
Reading literacy just doesn’t exist IG
Nahhh, Jiji almost transformed into Evil Eye, that would’ve been disastrous
I think he was using a bit of Evil Eye’s power, not transforming
Awwww man, it’s already the end of the chapter…..*exaggerated sigh*
Im still praying on kinta downfall
dang. I mean i don’t like kinta personally based on opinion but I want to know why people hate him. I can see a few reasons why but he also kinda carried in some fighting scenes
they hate kinta because he reminds them of themselves. fat nerds.
I can agree he carried some fights but he is so weird with girls but it’s not that deep bc at least he’s not like the token pervert character
I can agree he carried some fights but he is so weird with girls but it’s not that deep bc at least he’s not like the token pervert character
Kinta needs a glow up
Praying on kinta downfall
why this hate? 😞
Because they don’t have any other personality
Guys when’s the next ch coming out
Guys when’s the next ch coming out
20 or 21st
i wont stand for this kinta hate
I see a lot of people asking the question of “Why can Zuma use his powers?” This is because in the cursed trunk the only way to use the powers were to hold that golden ball, but when outside you are able to use your powers whenever. When Momo enters the trunk she is unable to use her powers due to the restrictions and the golden ball. That is why. Also Takakura lost his powers because he was free from gangster granny’s curse.
Jiji and Aira became very protective with the group lmao
Bro I wish they would drop like 5 things every week 1 a week is just to little
damn the chapters always go by so fast 🙁
honest question guys, every what day is the release of every chapter?
Every Tuesday or Monday I think
Every monday
Did jiji almost transform?
Look at his pupil it’s the same with Zuma and aira when transformed
i think that it was just jiji just tapping into a little bit of his power
Yo, from eating food from the cursed trunk you get random disabilities. Like Momo’s shrinking and Zuma’s bad eyesight
It’s like the man from the trunk’s weird aging.
man now i gotta wait for a new chapter noooooo
when is the next chapter?
Zuma is turning onto okarun
Legit making an account just to talk s**t, I can’t believe you people are waiting every weekend to not know wtf is going on lol 💀
Zuma kinda….
i goon to zima
Okay but why is this chapter super short
Who’s sweet the whole manga I did
Yo are we just not gonna talk about the INSANE DRIP these dudes have?! Zuma walked up in capris and sandals and somehow made it look clean as hell and old dude is rocking a letterman jacket and bucket hat looking like hypebeast Santa Claus.
Watch out Momo, they are coming for your style throne.
I need more chapters im obsessed 😭
I need more chapters im obsessed 😭
I really like zuma. He’s just a super cool guy. And i can’t wait for the climax of this arc
Vamola in Kaiju form looks cute
Damn Zuma looks fine as hell with glasses😻
i wish turbo granny will come back to the story by a plot. that would be da*n amazing bro
Wait, is it just me or did Jiji look like he used Evil Eye’s powers?
When we will get next chapter, tired of waiting . And missing Turbo granny 😔
butt in my butt
nah fr I freaking miss turbo granny.. that lowkey made me cry.. bring her back..
Zuma’s power(umbrella boy) was the only left to him after his little brother say goodbye to him and yeah… He can still use his powers without his little brother spirit possessing him
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