Dandadan Chapter 164 – She’s Gone All Little!

69 responses to “Dandadan Chapter 164 – She’s Gone All Little!”

  1. averyskibidiperson Avatar

    Uhm…momo is like thumbelina but tougher

    1.  Avatar
  2.  Avatar

    Jiji should shut the f**k up.

    1.  Avatar

      agreed bro

    2.  Avatar


      1. ArtemisJ Avatar

        I get it, yall – Momo’s hot, confident and popular from the start, so Aira felt like fair game, but challenging Okarun with Jiji just feels like punching down. If y’all seriously in a tizzy, you need to go reread the whole manga and remind yoself just how crazy about each other Momokarun are. Literally ain’t no-one swooping in at the eleventh hour to steal either’s heart.

        1. A Avatar

          I ain’t reading all that

        2. Momo's wife Avatar

          Bro, the pink haired girl loved okerun and alien girl wanted io MARRY him. Also Momo is the best and jiji deffo loves her.

    3.  Avatar

      yeah he should

    4.  Avatar

      Keepin it 💯 agreed as well, promise a strong word too

      1. Joy Avatar

        Dang y’all are so negative to jiji 😭, but he should shut up though she doesn’t like u

        1.  Avatar

          Jiji is frl what aira is to okarun, one way love

      2.  Avatar

        He should be able to read the moment and not f it up so agreed

    5.  Avatar

      Agreed 👍🏼

      1. Yensil Avatar

        “Would you still love me if I was a worm?”
        Well, worm sized, anyway. Almost.

    6. Jeg Avatar

      Jiji she wont let you hit (yes im talking to a fictional character rn)

    7. kimi Avatar

      Dannnnng; but i was shocked too. like bro fall back….all the way back.

    8. Somethingsomewhere Avatar

      Nah. Don’t have to take every bit of affection as romantic darn it

  3.  Avatar

    Jiji can shut his stupid mouth

  4. Jiji stfu Avatar
    Jiji stfu

    Jiji can shut his f mouth up

    1.  Avatar

      Your f name is jiji stfu.You should have just left a blank comment🤣

  5. Ren Avatar

    Jiji shut yo goofy ahh you ruining the moment

  6. Jiji stand Avatar

    Y’all some haters

    1. Sh Avatar

      yo name says it all jiji shut the f up

      1. Andrei Avatar


      2. haven Avatar

        nah cs you rlly don’t want me to get on yo, ill flame tf outta yohy if you say sum sh#t like that again, all talk no fight nga.

        1.  Avatar

          gn hbn kvyvg yo ggvi gon citd up n a ngkvgi fucyi dtffiy Iike what??

          1.  Avatar

            bro what language is that? head back to English 5 for me real quick bruh

        2.  Avatar

          Wtf, you are so immature fighting over a FICTIONAL character is wild man. Plus, he prob way older then you, don’t act tuff on the internet.

    2. Tjay Avatar

      Okarun confessed his love, just for Jiji to be like “You’re precious to me Momo!”
      Which ruins it.

      1. miki Avatar

        I missed Aira

  7. The addicted Avatar
    The addicted

    Turbo granny has my heart

    1.  Avatar
    2. silvern Avatar

      not Vamola being all cute in the background 😭😭😭

  8. Idonthaveaname Avatar

    Vamola just in her own world looking at tiny momo lmao

    1.  Avatar

      i love her lmaooo

  9. ken Avatar

    shut up jiji

  10. Fin Avatar

    Guys, I’m abit confuse… Didn’t Zuma also ate the foods from the board game?? So why only Momo became resident. Is it because Zuma got possesed by the Yokai to get out?

    1.  Avatar

      The yokai used his powers to get himself and zuma out only he was capable of letting anyone out

  11.  Avatar

    Seiko’s dinner treat grows bigger and bigger. Cant wait for whole japan to be invited

  12. Elitesaksham Avatar

    Jiji haters going crazy over this chapter 💀

  13. Nyx Avatar

    Turbo granny and Seiko yuri is real

    1. Jasthegews88 Avatar

      Thats it youre getting touched lil bro

  14. Okarun Shlong Avatar
    Okarun Shlong

    I hate jiji and that kinta thing and the hot dude with katana and i hate the dudes who invaded earth a few chapters back

  15.  Avatar

    Jin Enjoji? More line San Rinsha (3rd Wheel). Bro, you are the late-stage heel turn that redeems himself with a heroic death.

  16. Yourstruly Avatar

    Why can’t Jiji just shut the f**k up.

  17.  Avatar

    jiji was such a chill dude💔 keyword WAS

  18. Spooderman Avatar

    Jiji shut the f up sit the f down four eyed skank

  19. MoMoKaRuNNn Avatar

    Yo all jiji haters goin’ crazy-🤓

  20. Okarun's Right Jewel Avatar
    Okarun’s Right Jewel

    bro what about my bros nuts?

  21. DepredationGaming Avatar

    Jiji you shut the f up or ill up a pencil up your ass

  22. DrippyNi Avatar

    Jiji is more irritating than the pervert in this panel

  23. DrippyNi!ga Avatar

    But Unji also ate the candies. And he’s normal.
    Is it because he was brought out of the box by the yokai itself? Like that old man??

  24. Ed Avatar

    Man get this bitch ass jiji outta here

  25. 2d2 Avatar

    Bro forget jiji right now is it me or is this the first time granny seiko called okarun his name “ken” and not “four-eyes”

    1.  Avatar

      Fr why did no one notice

  26. OkarunCool Avatar

    is there no one here talking about the fact of Jiji wearing a Naruto related shirt

    1. Roli Avatar

      That’s not about Naruto, that’s reference for literally Uzumaki when the anime came out.

    2. Somethingsomewhere Avatar

      I was gonna say that!

  27.  Avatar

    yall shut up jiji the goat he just tryna get with momo smh……

    1.  Avatar

      Nah he could shut the f**k up right now he f**kinh always ruining the moments between momo and okarun bro is throwing tantrums because okarun won

  28. . Avatar

    Jiji should stfu but the thing is he aint meaning it like aira hes like the 3rd best character or somethin but remember all yall simps acted like he was count saint german befkre idiots this aint a romance f*cking manga

  29. Momo Ayase's other man Avatar
    Momo Ayase’s other man

    Jiji’s Uzumaki shirt, is it a reference to the anime ‘Uzumaki’ or to Naruto’s Clan?

  30.  Avatar

    would you still love me as a worm a chapter

  31.  Avatar

    Man what’s wrong with all y’all… Kinta actually made me laugh out loud he’s the best

  32. kimi Avatar

    I love Jiji but that was awkward, but I also said the same thing when they were fighting. If they had Jiji the fight would’ve been over with the quickness!

  33. zaki Avatar

    YAYY I MISSSED AIRA AND ERM… Jiji… ermm.. Jiji.. stop 🙁

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