this perv character lowkey pissing me off why is this guy here man
Yes bro, if this slob ball becomes part of the group I’m done… ruins my day whenever he’s on the screen jeez
imagine perv dies by the end of this ark
Perv needs to be eradicated
I hate this so much tbh Please make him gone after this chapter
Real bro can’t stand him
Seriously? Most of you guys are pathetic f**ks one character made you guys turned off?
Not every character has to look good and perverted my ass i doubt not one of you haven’t touched porn or hentai.
oh my god thank you for being normal
dude that guys honestly ass he literally is so annoying. like who tf goes up to a girl and says “10 gallon weiner” like HUH???
hes a really good character.
If he becomes part of the group DanDaDan will turn into worst anime of the year because of that pervy slob😭🙏
Hes already in the group.. chapters have passed
for real he’s so f***ing annoying and I don’t think like, anyone in the group even likes him
He’s helping 🥷
The perv pisses me off bad that every time he’s on screen I just ignore his speech bubble atp lol
real get this ni*** out of here
Ah hell nah man
Yall get mad over the small s**t bro shut the hell up and read 😭🙏🏽
they are getting emotional over such stupid s**t
half of it is probably just halo effect, Swap his character design for a pretty girl and they wouldn’t give a s**t
I like the idea of a character design that’s typically punchable to be a part of the main group
It’s kind of a mix. I can understand disliking Sakata. But not to THIS extent.
Like dude hasn’t done a single thing wrong right now, and he’s been yelled at every time he has been weird. And he hasn’t actually tried to do anything criminal compared to someone like Aira, so it 100% is the halo effect.
It feels more like ppl r just assuming he’s going to be a Mineta or a ton of other creepy perv characters.
if you look at the times aira and jiji were introduced, i bet you everyone probably hated them at first and then grew to like them so this character is no different
He did provoke the evil eye though
Facts. Aira is far more questionable and annoying, yet they’re tearing him to pieces.
Im sayinggg 😭 he does provide something to the group. Just read it and enjoy it 😭
Fr naww
does he remind you of yourself lol
hell nah bruh let this guys go somewhere else
Dawg he’s just a perv, get your balls out of a twist lmao
Love how the evil eye is just chilling under the table
Chat is this real (seriously)
why is everyone bothered by Kinta’s presence 😀 just chills out guys
his appearance reminds me of Ch*npo Sakata (Gintama)
Now is mecha-theme sci-fi genre XDD
Ikr the is perv. alright but he wasn’t bad his character add comedy to group but ofc he wasn’t part of the whole story for sure just this arc or maybe occasional appearance throughout the story. Btw that’s RX 93 vGundam lol
I totally agree 💯
Perv gives me the ick
we all hate kinta
It’s actually funny when evil eye said “I m ready to kill you” Don’t you think so 🤣🤣
Evb hates the f guy but nobody is giving him props for giving us Budda Voltron vs off brand Godzilla
That design is actually based off of one of Godzilla’s enimies so technically it’s not even off brand godzilla
I don’t know which one but I remember one of my friends showing this chapter and talking about the monster tatsu used as reference before I started reading dandadan
i’m really hoping the anime tones down kinta’s pervy and incel behavior. him being an self-important otaku is at least slightly entertaining and his nanotech/gundam moments in later chapters are fun but he’s just a total creep sometimes that can’t shut his mouth. if the anime made him more of an awkward guy, i’d be totally cool with that.
this prev might be giving off hiskako or whatever that hxh dudes name vibes
Its clear some of you guys can’t read at all. Kinta is only making joke comments like thayt because he’s misunderstanding why Momo and Okarun are talking about testicles. If that bothers you why the hell are read a manga full of dick jokes on the first place?I
Ok just to let everyone know that the reason he acts pervy is because that since they were talking pervy he thought that’s how you get bitches but the fact he’s also useful since that mf can imagine s**t like that will be a great asset
If this km jng un ahh becomes part of the fam i ain’t watch dandadan anymore 💀🙏
I am DONE w dandadan if this creepy f mf becomes part of the team.
Am I the only one who really doesn’t mind that perv guy💀
You’re never alone. I don’t mind his appearance at all….. Anyways I’m just the type of person who prioritizes personality and morals over appearance so it’s easy for me to not mind. Others might find it harder to do so.
Naah, he’s ok
dude i love evil eye
“Im ready to kill you.”
“Im ready to kill you.”
“Im ready to kill you.”
i already know the animators bouta go hard on this one
Bro the animators are cooked
what in the buddha mode power ranger
Evil eye just wants to kill Takakura that is cute 😍
Five humans. Three males and two females controlling a giant robot to defeat a big space kaiju or monster or alien. Bro It’s a Power Rangers reference
Five humans. Three males and two females controlling a giant robot to defeat a big space kaiju or monster or alien. Bro It’s a Power Rangers reference
Perv need a glow up fr
I like the “perv” 🤣🤣 mans is chill lowkey
It’s look like power ranger LOL
help the evil eye under the table
Yall are so damn annoying, kinta is funny af
Everyone around him is talking about balls and shi, why wouldn’t he just try to follow the flow😭funny as heck how he’s misunderstanding the situation
Not the pacific rim-ass fight
Did this ugly bastard tab just make a Buddha Nu Gundam with Cyber Akuma Arms??
man…. why is this perv here.
I just said “imagine if they made a robot”
And then this😭😭😭
Why is evb ranting bout a guy making d**knball comments in a d**knball anime? You fans are strange asl
I may be wrong like I may need some hints but evil eye may or may not be ready to kill okarun…
Not evil eye be yelling “I’m gonna kill you!” in the background 😭🙏🏻
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