Dandadan Chapter 69 – Clash! Space Kaiju VS. Giant Robot

68 responses to “Dandadan Chapter 69 – Clash! Space Kaiju VS. Giant Robot”

  1. Sun Avatar

    im praying for every god there is that this perv to not be in the main cast or a repeating character

    1. Lamp Avatar

      Same please every deity in existence rid us of this guy

      1. Fahim faysal Avatar
        Fahim faysal

        Thish dum sh** character should be removed. 🤧😭. if he get somehow get in the group, I swear it will be the worse. 😭 why

    2. Am Avatar

      Hes like the mineta of dandadan

      1. Am Avatar

        did anyone else think mineta was a girl before the pervy stuff?

      2.  Avatar
      3. slazel Avatar


        1.  Avatar

          Nahh he got potential, plus he is kinda smart

          1.  Avatar

            ong they just hatin cause he weird

      4.  Avatar

        omg bro

    3.  Avatar

      Then stop reading and watching..

    4.  Avatar


    5. FandomChild Avatar

      D*mn this comment section turned into a school essay 💀

    6.  Avatar

      ON BRO

    7. chicoooo Avatar

      I hope this character doesn’t show up in the anime bro and we don’t even need all this Kaiju s**t on the anime

    8. diddler55 Avatar

      guys, hes gonna be in the manga bcuz he is on the characters tab

    9. bro Avatar

      you guys hating on my boy kinta

    10.  Avatar

      onb I’m skipping all this dudes dialogue if he start talking again 😭

    11. Monkey21 Avatar

      if this guy was not a prev I would like him.

  2. rey Avatar

    i dont want him to be part of the main gang, chat…..

    1.  Avatar

      Fr this guy is SO annoying

  3. maru Avatar

    people who can’t enjoy embarrassing characters are the weakest links, kinta ftw

    1. usagijul Avatar

      so selfish and childish

      1. f**k u Avatar
        f**k u

        this comment section make me realise how dumb people are the hating on kinta are unnecessary, he save the gang n yall keep yapping like stfu, pervert? are u can fkin read?? he’s not done anything wrong yet keep your fkin oppinion n stfu, these dmbass ruin a good tittle

    2. ajskdnejsndbfj Avatar

      no way u fr gassing up a pervert

    3. ASDFGHJKL Avatar

      Yeah no. He’s just genuinely annoying. He was tryna press okarun but act buddy buddy when he saw a cute chick. And then he followed them after school. That’s literally stalker behavior and it makes it worse he isn’t friends with either of them. If nothing had happened when they walked home he would have just follow momo home and practically spied on them until he got answers. That’s pretty creepy. He’s annoying too like shut up with your dirty jokes. In the first place, if okarun was allowed by momo to make dirty jokes maybe it was because idk? They’ve been friends for at least the past month.

      1.  Avatar

        it hasnt been months, a few weeks except jiji. hes a great written character and you fell for it lmao

      2. Zoo Avatar

        Relax 💀 folks was lonely

      3.  Avatar

        How is his behavior better than Aira tho? Aira insulted Okarun, never apologized, attempted to assault him, has continued to harass him to the detriment of others, lets her egotism get in the way too, etc.

        She’s changing. Shes become better, so give this dude time to change too. He’s socially awkward as well.

      4. ParZvaL Avatar

        Nah just accept that you don’t like him because of his ugly appearance, if it was some other character that’s drawn handsomely or beautifully but still the same personality y’all will not even bat an eye on it.

        Y’all are so quick to judge someone just because of their appearance, Personality-wise he’s just doing the dirty jokes because he thought that by doing it he could get to know Momo or the other girls aswell, he’s copying Okarun ffs and he’s trying to figure out how did he get her as a friend.

        But nah y’all are rapidly jumping into conclusions, being disgusted and judging him off of that. I guess his personality and appearance hits too close to home to yours huh? is that how the people around you, treat you? if so dandadandamn!

        1. Guy with an afro Avatar

          ts is so true, these comments really make me realize how people act and judge due to appearances, if he drawn like Meliodas from seven deadly sins, no one would have a problem. Didn’t even give him a chance, but Aira’s actions are okay? woww, I can tell you why they are mad, he reminds them of how they act and look.

        2. Platimus Avatar

          Nah they js see him as a threat towards momo x okarun and they’re using “pervert” as an excuse to hate on him.

          Tbh i personally think one occult member is prolly enough in the gang but i wouldn’t go THIS far…

    4. Ivan Avatar

      This f kid is the king of pervs

    5.  Avatar


  4. Imbibitor Lunae Avatar
    Imbibitor Lunae

    Sick of kinata hate, y’all don’t like him just cus he’s not attractive.

    1.  Avatar

      realest comment ive seen

    2. DrippyNi***a Avatar

      Exactly what i wanted to comment

    3.  Avatar

      If kinata was attractive I can confidently say he is still getting the hate 🙏🙏 Bro is mad annoying.

    4. Bro Avatar

      Jiji was getting hate and he’s drawn to be attractive plus he wasn’t being a creep.

  5.  Avatar

    Personally he isn’t a perv he just says those stuff cause he thinks that is how okarun gets close to them because he hears them talking about family jewels

    1. big d**k Avatar
      big d**k

      you don’t say that type of stuff to someone you dont know. if i came up to you and just said big d**k you would be wierded out too ands thats where the problem is

      1. Sonny Hood Avatar

        Thanks man that’s a really thoughtful comment about my penis

      2.  Avatar

        Except don’t you go around talking about balls and dicks public like Momo does either. Even Jiji was quetsion why she was doing it. Kinta is only doing because he thinks that with Okarun is rizzing up all these girls around him. You guys has some serious literacy issues.

  6. big d**k Avatar
    big d**k

    that ugly wad and sorry excuse for human life did NOT need his own monologue. He’s creepy and his behavior towards women is nasty. Not only does he play his looks as a pity card he has no self respect or awareness. if you want to talk to someone you don’t know you don’t just go up to them and make inappropriate comments, if okarun is allowed to do that its because they’re friends. Also i understand that the situation outside is scary and all but why did he follow the gang back to momo’s house??? He was also stalking them in the first place which he has no business doing. And he showed a lack of self respect when he threw himself off that balcony just so he could stalk momo. Just overall he sucks as a person and i don’t see why people are trying to defend him. Its not even his looks the problem because he’d be kinda cute if not for his personality

    1. ParZvaL Avatar

      You being so pressed over Kinta is hilarious, does his actions hits too close to home? are you being treated like that irl?

      Also I call cap to that last sentence of yours, you think giving one compliment will negate all of the insults you wrote just before it. Just admit that you don’t like him because of his appearance, you pretending like that’s not what you wanna say is kinda obvious.

      And to the other people “defending” him, I respect those guys because they don’t just jump to conclusions and are quick to judge someone based off of just first impressions, they are open-minded you might say. And also because I think it’s f***king funny seeing y’all pressed being about him, y’all are fuming I can tell.

      Kinta prolly reminds y’all of yourself, that’s why y’all hate him so much :DD

    2.  Avatar

      Wat the hell are you even talking about here?! He never stalked Momo! He was following Okarun to learn his secret and he’s at Momo’s house because Momo told him and Jiji to met up there to begin with. Stop complaining a stuff you can’t comprehend speedreader.

  7. Aquamarine Avatar

    Wtf is wrong with people with the hate on perv guy, this Manga is funny af HAHAHA 😂

  8.  Avatar

    Nah if Kinta was a girl or looked like Jiji, none of yall would care about his behaviour

    1. Airi Avatar

      Not even denying dat s**t if he was attractive I would let his creepy behaviour slide but he’s ugly AND creepy :/

      1. midn1ght3rr Avatar

        then drop this manga pls, you dont deserve it LOL

    2. Acidic Cheerio Avatar

      Dawg?? Ppl didn’t like Jiji b/c he was extremely annoying + weird even though he’s not ugly. THIS clown is 10x worse and just happens to be unsightly.

  9. MinkMink Avatar

    Not bad pervert bitc*

  10.  Avatar

    touch some grass weirdos

  11. d Avatar

    this hate is legit funny, I want him to be in the main cast just to make Y’all suffer

  12. Kenan Avatar

    This dude better not be part of the main cast he doesn’t fit he’s annoying too😭

  13.  Avatar

    I wanted to see the evil eye destroy the thing man

  14.  Avatar

    Everyone be getting pressed at Kinta but here I am just reading this thinking about the Power Rangers.

  15. Zoo Avatar

    Kinta is so raw 🗿
    Sucks to hate 🤷‍♂️

    1. WHISTLE Avatar

      Ong dude, I don’t get the hate at all. Dude is straight flame dude.

  16. Deezy Avatar

    The Gurren Lagann reference is peak

    1. Some Avatar

      Naw y’all hating on him for no real reason. He’s
      an ugly nerd who is trying to talk to a women like every teen does. He’s being pervy only because Okarun is with momo . Y’all forgot what Aira did to Momo and Okarun. She kidnapped Mom and almost got everyone killed and there practically no hate towards her. Imagine being pissed off that bad because of a nerdy character

  17.  Avatar

    that detail with visualization is so awesome!
    1) momo imagined that it will explode, so her part exploded
    2) okarun was probably scared, so he flew off in an escape pod
    3) the annoying guy wanted to pilot it, so he piloted it!

  18.  Avatar


    He was locked up don’t how long has it been

  19. bella Avatar

    ok guys, js me or is the evil eye like a cute babeh??

  20. Momo Ayase's other man Avatar
    Momo Ayase’s other man

    Bruuuu, yall need help, it’s never that serious

  21.  Avatar

    what with the hate on every new character? y’all get mad at everything just to read another 50 chapters

  22.  Avatar

    LOL. Went to the comment section to look for peeps who might jus comment on how “innocent” and quiet adorable evil eye is all throughout this chapter. Anyways, jus dropping this here

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