Row row fight the power ass s**t. I love it
Gurren lagann recognition???
I’m Waiting to see another dunbass commenter post , “FR”
Thats Some Gurren Laggan s**t right there
The only thing that I can say after that is wow. just wow. PEAK manga
Nah that last panel was tuff
I feel like I’m about to learn how a drill works
fr tuff af
Serpo supremacy
Gyro ass power up
“Arigato, Gyro” manifests the golden spin and spinned to the power of 2
MY ARMOR CANT BE BROKEN mf when the dirt under him kinda feels like gas
when is okaru finishing his curry bruh
Bro where the hell Is Okarun
Badass AIRA🔥🔥🔥
Willing to risk their lives for the sake of okaruns balls
Since when they k ow the golden ratio
i’ll try spinning, that’s a good trick!
Nice one
You know what is sick about this Shonen? No one gets left behind in these fights. It’s never just the Okarun and Momo show. Hell, the MC helping his friends utilize their full potential is some real s**t right there.
last panel is tuff
actually, all this will never happen if katakura’s balls haven’t been taken by that granny turbo
Where the heck is okarun??
He just got back but was still too weak or hurt
Everyone is leveling up! I cant wait to see how Okarun does
steel ball runnnnn
Aira is so tough bro and finally Okarun is on his way
Oh my god this anime will definitely make it in the top 5 anime of the year bcz it’s tough
You should try spinning. That’s a good trick
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