Dandadan Chapter 84 – Annoying Dudes

29 responses to “Dandadan Chapter 84 – Annoying Dudes”

  1. zbarr Avatar

    almost makes u forget they’re gonna try and steal her bananas

    1. Meme Avatar

      Better than the perv

      1.  Avatar

        they’re definitely not.

      2.  Avatar

        I know right

  2. SherlockSMasters Avatar

    Ok I kinda liked them now rather then the perv guy

    1. Anonymous Avatar

      Yeah I agree with you

    2.  Avatar

      You know it’s bad when these big headed weirdo’s who Tried to r*pe momo is better than that guy

      1.  Avatar

        My ranked teammates:

    3.  Avatar

      Tenho certeza que os serpianos vão capturar momo quando eles acabarem a luta

  3.  Avatar

    Hah from stealing banana organs in chapter 1
    To helping them in chapter 84

  4. #1 Aira hater Avatar
    #1 Aira hater

    Perv guy is better than these aliens who tried to r*** momo

    1. average joe Avatar
      average joe

      his name is rokuru and he aint that bad

  5. Ermwhatthesigma Avatar

    How come are the aliens who R**PED Momo better than the perv guy who did nothing? Yall…. Are tweaking
    Also I hate Vamola.

    1. Hiro Avatar


    2.  Avatar

      almost r**ped momo

    3.  Avatar

      We barely even know here hat therw to hate?

    4. natsu Avatar

      Finally some voice of reason

  6. Airi 🎀 Avatar

    That perv guy AND these aliens both suck ass. Perv guy js tries to hit on every single girl he sees and these aliens literally tried to r@pe momo dude.. vamola is literally from another planet and learns from other people, can you rly blame her a lot? Its sick how u guys r defending these aliens when they’re js as bad as perv guy or even worse.. and im saying this as a certified kinta hater. Get a life..

    1. ParZvaL Avatar

      “Certified Kinta Hater” is that like a social media group of people who got no life?

  7. Mei Avatar

    I still don’t like these Aliens but nvm we’re in a fight right now so let’s forget about the first chapter for awhile.

  8.  Avatar

    This is so cool

  9. Momo Ayase's other man Avatar
    Momo Ayase’s other man

    I gasped when Vamola was name-dropped, but I don’t think she actually led them there, I think the ball in her suit is like a beacon, like visualize sound effects on Fortnite and it activated when Momo took it out to show it to turbo granny…..I hope I’m right because I actually like Vamola as a character

  10. Dandadamn Avatar

    The last chapter is the reason I started reading this manga. I saw a picture of it on reddit and was so curious about This Man being in it. I was a little disappointed with what they did with him, but I still love this manga. I find it interesting that Rokura says she needs to stop “that person”. Seems like a reference.

  11.  Avatar

    I think the serpoinians are not wrong to be honest ,they are doing they’re f**king best just for the sake of their species

  12.  Avatar

    Give Ken his balls back man, he just got it back they really making brody’s life harder 😭

  13. Anonymous Avatar

    Who’s here in 2025

  14. SatoruGojo Avatar

    Who’s here in 2025 lol also NGL THIS MANGA IS SO PEAK

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