almost makes u forget they’re gonna try and steal her bananas
Better than the perv
they’re definitely not.
I know right
Ok I kinda liked them now rather then the perv guy
Yeah I agree with you
You know it’s bad when these big headed weirdo’s who Tried to r*pe momo is better than that guy
My ranked teammates:
Tenho certeza que os serpianos vão capturar momo quando eles acabarem a luta
Hah from stealing banana organs in chapter 1
To helping them in chapter 84
Perv guy is better than these aliens who tried to r*** momo
his name is rokuru and he aint that bad
How come are the aliens who R**PED Momo better than the perv guy who did nothing? Yall…. Are tweaking
Also I hate Vamola.
almost r**ped momo
We barely even know here hat therw to hate?
Finally some voice of reason
That perv guy AND these aliens both suck ass. Perv guy js tries to hit on every single girl he sees and these aliens literally tried to r@pe momo dude.. vamola is literally from another planet and learns from other people, can you rly blame her a lot? Its sick how u guys r defending these aliens when they’re js as bad as perv guy or even worse.. and im saying this as a certified kinta hater. Get a life..
“Certified Kinta Hater” is that like a social media group of people who got no life?
I still don’t like these Aliens but nvm we’re in a fight right now so let’s forget about the first chapter for awhile.
This is so cool
I gasped when Vamola was name-dropped, but I don’t think she actually led them there, I think the ball in her suit is like a beacon, like visualize sound effects on Fortnite and it activated when Momo took it out to show it to turbo granny…..I hope I’m right because I actually like Vamola as a character
The last chapter is the reason I started reading this manga. I saw a picture of it on reddit and was so curious about This Man being in it. I was a little disappointed with what they did with him, but I still love this manga. I find it interesting that Rokura says she needs to stop “that person”. Seems like a reference.
I think the serpoinians are not wrong to be honest ,they are doing they’re f**king best just for the sake of their species
Give Ken his balls back man, he just got it back they really making brody’s life harder 😭
Who’s here in 2025
Who’s here in 2025 lol also NGL THIS MANGA IS SO PEAK
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