I like this
why does the nerd get all the bitches and i dont
I mean Look at you and Look at him. That explains it.
That very same nerd is capable of withstanding turbo granny’s power. That speaks volumes plus it’s not like everyone is willing to put themselves into danger like that I’ve seen people saying that only to be scared s**tless at a small irl jumpscare. Plus tarakura is a genuine dude who doesn’t pushes boundaries much.
And that’s why I love okarun
Shut your bitch ass up, get some personality you wanker
Let’s not get so rude and violent shall we?
Imma sack yo shi. Don’t curse
Can we chill out with the monster fights and have some Momo and Okarun scenes ☹️
cuz hes the main character
bro, the main character is momo.
cuz of PLOT dude! hahahaha
Maybe because he doesn’t refer to them as “bitches”…
Because you behaving like Kinta Sakata
Atleast it’s not the perv
bruh you’re literally the ugly nerd guy rn
Kaiju arc is vage
Okarun gots the dong everyone wants
go get a personality and the find out why. as a girl i dont understand why yall think we like bitchy people. i like okarun because hes kind and earnest and doesn’t push boundaries, he also tries his best to help others and tries to resolve misunderstandings and problems quickly.
You don’t get girls bc you call them bitches, retard
because its fictional
Because we are not the main character 😭
because you adressing woman as bitches while okarun adressing woman with respect
Bcz ur an incel, quit calling women bitches and maybe your stupid ahh can pull, nvm u cant lmfao
Your the perv dude
Because he has super powers
because the nerd is cool and you complain about s**t like not getting any women
He’s a good guy, you’re desperate for bîtches. Anyways. He has good chemistry and got opportunities. Look out I guess and don’t be a prick
God damn y’all are leaving this dude fried, grilled, and sauteed like my boy already got a reality check Damn
Goofy ass without life askin why they dont get hoes, go ourside
I swear
“Pomade!” gets obliterated
Vamola learning words from Momo is so adorable !!! (≧▽≦)
okarun has too much rizz 😭
jjk type shi
she is So cute
Vamola is cute man, why tf am i changing my thoughts so fastly, last chapter I was hating her and now I don’t lol
A new Yokai… Let’s Gooo! I’ve been waiting for this!!
The drawing of the kuchisake is not what i would imgaine at all to be honest
is that a KUCHISAKE-ONNA i see?? also Vamola got her character development and im starting to like her now
is that a KUCHISAKE ONNA I SEE??? also im starting to like Vamola now
yk i thought the same thing “A kuchisake-onna reference?” but yes I can confirm, Vamola is just as adorable as the Evil Eye is
Okay we’ve seen Okarun draw in his notebook before but never Momo (at least what I know). The lil sketches of Turbo Granny are so cute and is that a crossed out sketch of Okarun in the corner?! Adorable! I can totally imagine Momo zoning out at school scribbling along and when she realizes she scribbled Okarun she crosses it out because she’s so embarassed ;w; God I love those two dorks
Is no one gonna talk about that one reference to the Japanese ghost girl story at the end?
slit mouth woman…I know that from jjk
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