Dandadan Chapter 73 – Let’s Eat Some Takoyaki

71 responses to “Dandadan Chapter 73 – Let’s Eat Some Takoyaki”

  1. sharkkkyyyyy Avatar

    bro if that pervy guy become a part of the group i cant handle this shi man he pisses me off

    1.  Avatar


    2.  Avatar

      Im sorry bro…

    3.  Avatar

      then leave

      1. Sh Avatar

        We all hate that perv, if u actually like that guy ur weirddd bro

        1. KINTAprotector Avatar

          yall be so f annoying every since he was introduced yall on his ass already. he’s a horny teenager, hell denji from chainsaw man was horny and people still liked that character. just because he’s saying some creep stuff doesn’t mean he’s done it all he did was say what a teen thinks is funny and tries to fit in.. bunch of retards get off his d**k and enjoy the series otherwise f off

          1.  Avatar

            Yeah but he’s a f ahh

          2.  Avatar

            very fitting reaction for someone whos name is called kintaprotector. f off

          3.  Avatar

            F off

          4. Some Avatar
          5.  Avatar

            that bc hes hot
            its not like we like mineta, its bc hes ugly

          6. Fdg Avatar

            Bro wdym he litrally looks like kim jong un

        2. Danerrrr Avatar


        3.  Avatar

          Not me

      2. Skibidi kean Avatar
        Skibidi kean

        I hate tht Kinta

    4. Mitsubishi Avatar

      you’ve got to admit that though hes a perv and a weirdo to boot, he adds the tiniest bit of comedic relief to the manga.

      1. broadjay Avatar

        i found the manga had funny moments but he didnt add much

        1.  Avatar
      2.  Avatar

        no he doesn’t

      3.  Avatar

        He’s not funny atall. Well he looks funny

      4. TheKingOfCurses Avatar

        10 gallon weiner

        1.  Avatar

          pure beef.

    5.  Avatar

      You know he’s part pf the team when he is invited to the cook out

    6.  Avatar

      Lmao y’all can stay mad ab it, I def hope he isn’t around as much as other characters, but I’m moreso loving the okarun rizz being off the charts lol

    7. M.a.C.e Avatar
    8.  Avatar

      I would stop reading the manga if he became part of the group ong bro

    9. Minamie Avatar

      Haha…me too…
      I am really got so pissed off with that perv boy!! Such an annoyance!

  2. He Avatar

    I hate that perv f him

    1. Jiji's cursed pants Avatar
      Jiji’s cursed pants

      Fr bro same thought

  3. Momo's long socks Avatar
    Momo’s long socks

    The chat is bunch of entitled kids.

  4.  Avatar

    Dude does not have okaruns rizz he got pig tizz I hate this guy

    1.  Avatar

      Woah body shamer 😆 his personality is like zenitsu wht y’all talkin abt

      1.  Avatar

        Nah he’s worse than Zenitsu (but it is close).

  5.  Avatar

    I’m not mad at the guy, I just find him annoying because of his deprived antics. If they made him out to be a goofy oddball of a character, i would’ve probably liked him.

  6.  Avatar

    I f hate that f** perv

  7.  Avatar

    you all are f** phobic and weird as hell. Jiji was being even weirder in the beginning but crazy how no one had a problem

    1.  Avatar

      Oh no I f hated jiji until after the arc where okarun finally got stronger than the evil eye and they made the promise. Istg I wanted to k jiji

      1.  Avatar

        The difference is jiji redeemed himself but I literally can’t see a future where this goober makes himself usefull besides being fertiliser

    2.  Avatar

      Yasss agreed

  8. Prisma Avatar

    if the guy was actually funny id be fine with it
    hes just weird rn, and not like how okarun was at the start where he was just kinda a nerd, this guy is really just an incel imo

    1. Axchooeww Avatar

      Yeah he might have some character development yk

  9. Axchooeww Avatar

    Y’all his personality is like zenitsu wht y’all talkin abt???

    1. Momo Ayase's other man(Zenistu lover) Avatar
      Momo Ayase’s other man(Zenistu lover)

      I’m neutral about Kinta but DONT EVER COMPARE MY ZENI TO THAT GUY, they aren’t the same, and don’t dishonor my future Thunder Hashira

  10.  Avatar

    Tbh I think the writer meant kinta to be the annoying guy in this manga

  11. Aquamarine Avatar

    HAHAAHA wth is wrong with people can you just enjoy the manga

  12.  Avatar

    Can the perv and the weird robot girl like leave or smrh

  13. Ermwhatthesigma Avatar

    Idt the pervy guys a problem. I dont like Vamola. Stay away from Momos husband!!! And Okarun wth man, you… You basically told momo you dont mind kissing her because she is pretty. Get a grip-
    Im so mad

    1. spottedlady Avatar

      SERIOUSLY!! i love okarun but he makes my piss boil when he’s being this unfeeling, dont hurt momo 🙁

  14.  Avatar

    come on guys my boy was a weirdo his whole life and now he gets the chance to swim in bussy so let that man some fun. also loving the hate on the guy. havent seen so many people a fictional character. he aint real the same way obama isnt real

  15. Bumboclot3 Avatar

    We need a f girl next pleasssseee 😍😍

    1. WHISTLE Avatar


  16. spottedlady Avatar

    first this deadbeat perv shows up and now this alien hoe man im fed up GET OUTTT

  17.  Avatar

    why are people getting so defensive on the perv, calling others f**phobic for disliking him when his design is literally meant to look exagerated and ”u*ly”, it’s got nothing to do with him being f.. and he’s just annoying and so full of himself, not much to like about him so yea i f hate him.

  18.  Avatar


  19. KintaLover069 Avatar

    Y’all ruining the comment section with the redundant Kinta comments. He didn’t even do s**t in this chapter. Please comment on something else I don’t want to read all the whining. The author has done an incredible job so far on the Manga have some respect and trust their artistic choices, if you’re gonna drop it then drop it and spare those of us who are enjoying this all the endless complaining.

  20. Collin F Garrett Avatar
    Collin F Garrett

    Yall really out here cyber bullying a fictitious character lol

  21. Soravft Avatar

    I don’t really hate kinta sakata (the perv) i’ve dealed with sanji and zenitsu 😅 jk, I mean it’s bearable, he’s not serious, plus he’s funny and I hope he can use his robot powers fowardly in the story.

    Probably if he was a normal looking guy you wouldn’t be hating on him as much.

  22. Zinzong Avatar

    Y’all just bribing about the annoying guy but not seeing how Kito leader Naki Kito just turned the hell out of those aliens. This might be crazy

  23. Bread Avatar

    At this point everybody wants Okarun to get all the huz like this is a harem or smth lol

  24. IkeaShark Avatar

    Yo I have been reading why the hate you guys only hate him cause he is kind of a degenerate but he is actually helpful so give him a break man people like suffer the most even if they act like that.

  25.  Avatar

    Nuhh i’m leaving here that mf killed the fun in the manga

  26. Juls Avatar

    Where did this Pervy Kinta guy come from ffs, he just doesn’t fit..
    Them added him out of nowhere, he is not fazed by what’s happening (as if he’s been there the whole time) and he’s very loud & annoying.

  27.  Avatar

    bro how the f**k does this manga manage to have the most braindead comment section ive ever seen? like holy s**t dude not even one piece fans or mha fans are this f***ing stupid

  28. Momoislove Avatar

    Lmao everyone talking about Kinta. Come on don’t tell nobody saw the cute moment of okarun and momo.

    1.  Avatar

      Seriously what is going on with these comments? Why is everyone so obsessed with Kinta when there is a bunch of great moms/okarun stuff going on?

    2.  Avatar

      Ikr I feel like I am taking crazy pills. Everyone is obsessing over the kinta guy when there is so much great okarun stuff going on.

  29. Officer Bega. Avatar
    Officer Bega.

    Im not even mad about Vamola getting in the way of Okarun and Momo. It’s that perv that pisses me off.

    If he becomes part of the group imma lose my shhh

    Officer Bega, out.

  30. KintaIsTheGoat Avatar

    Naah, yall genuinely only hate Kinta because he’s ugly. He’s not even Mineta level s**t, he’s never touched or harassed any girl. The most he does is say weird s**t and beg for female attention. And OH! Do you know what other characters do exactly the same thing? Not actually harassing anyone but saying weird perv s**t all the time, being a horny teenager and wanting female attention? Denji and Zenitsu. And yet those two don’t get the same level of hate that Kinta gets for just existing.
    Just be honest, if Kinta was a normal looking guy you wouldn’t hate him that much

  31. Somethingsomewhere Avatar

    Dude got kicked, insulted multiple tims by Momo and people still think he’s not a perv and others are just fatphobic. Wtf bruh.

    I need a backstory. If he has eating disorders because of some trauma, only then I won’t be “fatphobic”

    Get out bruh

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