Very funny jokes at the last moment 🤣
Yes you thingies are my thingies
Vamola in Pt-br means Let’s go hahahaha
real he weird as hell icl
Ralx brother is just manga
Fr, he sucks, i don’t even kmow him
Y’all hate Kinta bc ur all f**fobic as hell lmao he’s not even a perv you guys are just hating to hate
He’s cringe and annoying. That’s why we hate him
No lol, you guys always project stuff to weight. How can you not see that that man is a perv? Are u defending him bc he’s f? He’s weird as hell, you probably relate to him; you’re a perv like him
First of all he is not even a pervert. He was saying those stuff because Ken is saying it. Like seriously, do you people even read the previous chapters??
Also yall talking like he was some kind of r@pist or Mineta type s**t when all he does is say some weiner jokes. like yall need to be for real.
To be fair, he was saying he wanted make out time with beautiful girls so he is kind of a perv
Fellas, is it wrong to want to make out with Scarlett Johansson? I mean, she’s literally a black widow! Also yeah I hate him too (I hate fat people) but def some of these hate comments r from appearance it would b way different if he was an attractive girl
Your kind of Idiocy should be a crime.
He’s annoying and an icel, idc if he’s fa he’s f-ing creepy.
he’s egotistic and a perv, wtf are u talking about??
Facts. Aira is way worse and actually assaulted Okarun. These incels just hate looking at guys that mirror themselves I guess. They think they’re Okarun, but they’re actually Kinta.
he reminds them of themselves so they hate, that’s all.
Nice bait f***y
f*tph**ic is a crazy way of saying i dislike people that dont take care of themselves
Why are censoring the word “fat”? — assuming you’re saying “fat”
bro he litch siad that he was happy when momo punched him even though it hurt plus he wanted her to do it again. has nothing to do w weight airhead
we don’t hate him cus he’s a fatass he’s just weird, like how some people hate Jiji because he’s always doin sum weird s**t
Yeah so what if I hate him for being f*t f**k?On top of that being an annoying bi**h
He DID act perverted though. The thing I dislike now is that people are still hyper focused on him. Vamola just introduced some problems again but we can write it off as alien stuff.
This isn’t fat phobia. Dudes desperate for that püssy.
Y’all hate kinta bc y’all are f**fhobic as hell
It’s not about he’s body, he’s genuinely f annoying, cringe, perv, and ugly asf
we found a gian(Doraemon) version of a shrimp alien wid dis one 🗣️ 🔥
I don’t like alien girl
Me neither
Lol you f** or smth? I don’t care if he’s f** or not. I got f** friends. My brother was f**. My parents are middle aged and obviously f**. Some of my favorite main characters are the f**side characters(they’re low key so funny and cute sometimes) heck I’m becoming f** (20 pounds gained in two weeks is crazzyyyyy) he’s just annoying. Wdym he’s not a perv? He literally was trying to get the girl to kiss him. Like actively trying to tell her lies to get her. Now it’s funny when a male character goes “it should’ve been me” those jokes are funny but this guy just isn’t. He was unjokingly calling Okarun and jiji losers and that they did nothing and he did everything to protect the girls. I’ll give him credit, he did do pretty good. But he’s just so annoying when jumping to his nerdy conclusions. It was cute with okarun because okarun is a total nerd but he was trying to be friends with momo not learn how he can date her.this guy just wants to get laid by a girl who clearly has no interest in him. He knows that momo seems to like okarun but pulls his dumb s**t anyways. Very annoying character. BUT AFTER ALLLLLLL this writing about why he’s annoying, I just don’t like him because he’s f**. Right? Now stfu people are allowed to have an opinion without suddenly becoming some hater of all the f** DRAWINGS out there. Apparently we have f** fhobia towards a f drawing 😂
ima keep it a buck if the author can someone as sensitive as you feel disgusted over a drawing then they’re obviously doing something right. but nonetheless the s**t is not that deep. quit being emotional attached lol
“He literally was trying to get the girl to kiss him. Like actively trying to tell her lies to get her.”
First he was not telling Lies, he is the one who defeated the Kaiju with the help of Momo and Aira.
Second he was not forcing the girl to kiss him.
“He was unjokingly calling Okarun and jiji losers and that they did nothing and he did everything to protect the girls.”
Again he was not lying, when he was fighting the Kaiju Jiji and Okarun are literally not there. They are literally gonna get f**ked if he was not there since no one in the team can create a giant robot.
summary: kinta ain’t no lie nor was he tryin to get anyone to kiss him, if he werent piloting the robot the girls most likely would’ve died if he didn’t put that alien on its ass.
Nobody is reading allat!
lmao, an alien using gil’s catchphrase. I wonder how he’ll react
If this f a****le stays with the gang for the next 10 chapters im dropping the manga f him i mean im chubby BUT HE IS ANNOYING
drop it lol don’t need scum like you
If this f guy stays in the gang I’m dropping the manga, god he is annoying
go ahead
I wanna see that guy backstory, I’m sure that his past have some f s**t 🤔
So this new alien is basically Lum?
Guys idc if yall like the f guy or not, but VAMOLA DOES NOT kiss my guy okarun like that. And wth how’d he forgive her just bc she is “pretty”
Gah this pisses me off so much
RIGHT i know he’s never had a friend or anything before but can he not tell that momo is upset abt vamola kissing him bro don’t call her pretty 😭😭😭😭
yeah, this manga swings from peak (like this past jiji evil eye / house arc) to this garbage harem sh*t. I grew to like Aira, but are you fu—g serious. kissing then revealing that she’s here to get married? ffs
Like, for real, I understand that this is a manga and all these characters are just a part of it
Dude I hate this guy, might drop the series if he becomes a main character. Atleast sanji is not a sex pest like him and is likeable, atleast mineta is not part of the group you see every chapter. You could replace his appearance with ANYTHING and he would be annoying as f.
this is the f funniest comment section Ive read in a while
Real about how annoying the f guy is 🤣
did she just drop-kick a bitch?
now i know why people hate kinta
dayum that’s hate on a whole nother level but i feel ya
can someone s**** this f***** i swear hes more annoying than my sister
Bro got infinite rizz
if youre talking about the last panel then yes, ultimate f**king smash 😩😩
LITERALLY! Ngl the hate on him is getting a bit comedic, but I’m 100% with y’all.
kinda sad to see how the comment section just getting more toxic and toxic each chapters further…
like brooo. I’ve been reading for days and it just keeps getting worse lol
i dont know how to feel about this guy. well, he can be… useful? and make up ideas? but his dirty jokes and perverted-ness is lame. i don’t mind him being a nerd since okarun is just like that in the beginning in the manga, but okarun doesn’t bother girls and just wants a genuine friend, unlike this guy who just wants girls.
Tch… everyone’s hating on Kinta and I get it but i don’t like this Vamola girl either. WTF IS WRONG WITH HER? GONNA MARRIED? F**K OFF BACK TO UR PLANET!
Yall are snowflakes fr if you can’t enjoy a manga because of one single character then just go away, stop saying you’ll drop it, just grow it already it’s pretty obvious sanaka will be a reoccurring character
Everyone be writing essay abt their hate for kinta, lmao
I hate kinta so much, he is just so obnoxious, annoying, perverted, and so much more, i wish he doesn’t join the gang for ever.
i feel like the best thing to do is just do whatever the f*** you want. If you hate the f perv (according to the opinion of others, myself included) fine. It’s all okay. you wanna drop the manga? fine. i think nobody really gaf
Honestly perv is growing on me. Love his personality low key, don’t understand why people have genuine hate for the dude.
Tbh this chapter he was kind of imitating Jiji
jiji wan NOT begging grils to kiss him lmao
bro delete the perv from existing please
I understand just a bit of hate. He was kind of annoying this chapter. He made a few dirty jokes to try to understand the Okarun rizz. Helped a lot in defeating the Kaiju. Mixed character: Helpful and truthful yet annoying.
Why bro become a pussy magnet fr xD
Officer Bega does NOT approve of Kinta. Get that 🥷🏾 outta there or imma sack his shi
idk man i feel like kinta (even if he is a perv) is kinda ok. i have read a lot of mangas and seen a lot of animes and trust me when i say this kinta isnt that pervy for a perv…but ofc you can disagree i dont mind
Tbh the perv isnt even that bad besides why yall so pissed off about em, he’s literally just a f**king drawing lmaoo
Nah, ya’ll hating on my boy too much fr. Justice for Kinta, he ain’t done nuthin wrong.
Yall just dont get it in his backstory he got NO FRIENDS NO GIRLYS AND HE IS TRYING TO LEARN FROM MOMOS AND OKARUNS. ”
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