so this ghost or spirit is a child who got possessed by the other child?
I feel like it’s a combined vengeful spirit
Golden Freddy ahh
I freaking love this manga 😭
same :O
This low-key the first chapter that made me contiplate about some things.
The lore goes crazy
Yo Tatsu is cookin rn
Did they fuse???
I Guess that’s what happened with aira
evil possessed the kid im guessing
That panel of the little kid dancing by himself in his cell is f heartbreaking.
That poor kid dancing by himslef bro im act crying idk whyyyy
Holy s**t that thang is so ugly
I swear this manga is trying to make me cry as much as possible
this manga is fire but scary
Those thing be having made f*cked up backstory 😣😔😢
we are the Crystal gems!
Omg, he got such a sad story 😔
So the “Yokai’s” or Ghosts are protecting the humans because they sympathize to them, and because of their sad backstories.
Now is this Yokai gonna connect and transform with Jiji? just like how Okarun and Aira have a Yokai on their side. I think that’s the Authors plan on these characters, so all 4 of them got a powers of their own now.
This is my prediction.
Poor little kid
So wait they just kept pouring dirt on the house and building a new one on top ? 🤔 that’s so f-ed up lol…
Reasonable crashout
This manga is 10/10 masterpiece any differing opinions should not exist
Bro, only Dandadan can be a comedy and sad at the same time, got me tearing up like I did in Acro-Silky’s backstory, can’t wait till the summer and this gets animated
I haven’t read next chapter but I know jiji is still a goat 🙏
Man I was not expecting that bro poor kid
I hope the anime does this scene the same as acro-silky’s
dang bro did not let that slide
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