Thanks you so much for making this you are just the best!!!!!
the first episode with the shelong
This chapter was awesome but the first one was just… ☠️☠️☠️
“of you let me goble your shlong i leat you slurp my t-” WHAT 😭😭😭
Dr. Stone + halo mask = turbo grany ocaru. Cool new form, i hope it evolve more powers or form like s 3. 🤣
Banana Alien 💀💀💀💀💀
This is lit. Please give Okarun Three Iconic Moves Like: Fist Of Dawn Hell, Triple Turbo Slam, All Out Grip.
I honestly loved it from the start, she was never even namey to begin with LOL. Stop complaining about stupid things. (Refering to the first chapter)
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