me tooo
can’t wait 4 the next chapter
When is it
Looks like the bull have something connection to count saint germain.. or not?
Yeah the mastermind is saint count germain
Definitely he did. It was again that power stealing bulls**t
danda chapter 180 coming in two day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I believe it’s every Tuesday afternoon
u sure?
Me to
i am just liek everyone else ive just binged this all in 2 days after finishing season 1
sounds about right
i binged this all within 24 hrs of finishing season 1
Same haahah
for me it was like 26 or so, give or take but yeah
bro same now im off to finding something like this again
hook a brotha up if you find some good s**t
Bro you should try dorohedoro its goat
Exact same bruhh, at least there’s a new one piece chapter today
Same broo
I binged it cause I couldn’t wait on episode 8
bro how da hell yk
yup lol
cant wait for the next one dang
Meeee tooo I just spend 5 hours binge reading every chapter
When does it come
I binge read all the manga after finding the anime. It’s absolute Peak, fr.
Same, and now I’ve reached the end in two days 🫠
Sameeee i just finished the anime and manga just in 3 days
try 6 hours to finish the manga
to not finish it in 2days or 6 hours do household chores and help yo mama
Fr bro, it’s do damn amazing and seiko the gilf’s fight was badass and her deathstare🥶🥶🥶
Mrs Seikoo let’s goo!!!
I want that grandma
Why didn’t she wait, so iron bull can tell who is after them?
He would probably just be confused like the other people that got sent by count saint germain.
Peak manga🔥
I for a fact know for sure it is count saint germain who sent them to get their powers since we know he is a collector of the paranormal and all, but if he isnt behind this then this would be the plot twist of the century
The collector guy has Ludris’s logo on his shirt while Count Saint Germain has it on his shirt collar. Iron and the Chinese Vampire might have been Turbo granny associates sent to stop the transaction because she know that Saint Germain is after the group.
nice eye for detail, i totes forgot about the ludris part and nice theory
Nice catch! Though it is interesting to note the different orientation of the triangles in case this theory holds water.
Ludris and CSG have an eye within a triangle with 1 point down, whereas Kashimoto’s eye triangle has 1 point up.
Could mean nothing, but orientation is really important in some occult stuff like Tarot cards.
Ludris definitely seems like a benevolent figure though, whereas CSG seems more nefarious. These eye triangles might not indicate anything other than a general association with the occult, but who knows! It’s fun to speculate.
Nooooo, i cant binge anymore😢. What day weekly chapter comes out!
I want to see what will happen next and how many days takes you to make an chapter?
I binge read this in 20 days . I need more.
I read it in 20hours💀
I shouldn’t have read it so quickly, now it’s going to be difficult to wait for a new chapter per week 🙁
“your pretty hard down there” 😭😭😭
My groin is growing hot HOT HOT
Next chapter comes in 5 days count it now!
the day when this part gets animated
Like in 6 years or something 😭
I fw these 2 alot tbh, one throws hands w u, and the other has a strong shadow ability, HELL YEAH we say in unison
After binging the manga I’m even more pissed the anime stopped where it did. Horrid cliffhanger.
Damn that was 🔥🔥🔥
Seiko hair down?!??!?!?
This shi is nice especially with granny turning up and I to finished this in 2 days after watching 1st season can’t till 7/25
F**k sakes i caught up
i just read the whole manga in 3 hours, i forgot everything
same its 6 am for me right now
Man I can’t wait until the next chapter, this manga is too good! I haven’t watched the anime so I might now have time to!
there goes my entertainment for the next however long😭
i need the next chapterrrrrr
same bruh
Damn. Never thought I would predict how they would beat a Yokai with my welding knowledge.
I think there’s a slight mistranslation tho. Metal is more susceptible to Hydrogen Embrittlement at *higher* temps. Especially when molten, which is why welding processes shield the molten metal with either slag that melts into the metal and then hardens over it to shield it from the atmosphere or pour an inert gas like Argon over it to do the same. Also there’s the obvious fact that the harder something is the more brittle it is. It’s why you can shatter diamonds with a hammer.
I think turbo granny got capture or her power got stolen that why we haven’t met her again
Btw the chapters come every Monday!!!
ty so much i needed to know
Granny so hot
the only gift im getting on new years is new dandadan chapter
i think the turbo granny power of okarun no gone completely it become part of him
“ice flame” bro done used ghost flame from elden ring 😭🙏
im finally finished after 5 hours yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kaiju no 8 is my next target 🌚
Noooo I caught up to dandadan. This is the worst thing that could possibly happen!!!
What is the black entity that was helping Seiko and the other person?
his name is payase
it’s another person similar to okarun and the others that can transform
Is it just me or did that fight kinda looked like Okarun and miss Ayase fighting?
really bro
Big black BULL
granny seiko so hot
She should’ve made him confess…But it’s probably Saint Germain. I can take the “Ora!” JoJo bit… My Hero Academia… Twice? Really? Don’t start jumping the shark now. :/
Come On Please Just Make Another Chapter Already I Mean Seriously Like It’s Been Forever
When is next chapter Release?
“ur pretty hard down there” me tooo
Why’s the shadow guy kinda….
tokoyami reference
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