Damn granny really did left
I wish turbo granny comes back🥲
Let’s just have a moment of silence for granny😔
Nahh she’ll come back!!!!!!! eventually!
Are we just not gonna talk about the fact that each time they defeat a monster, everyone included in it just ends up getting dinner treated from seiko?😂
cause the author did this on purpose.
It’s a cute reset.
It’s like how at the end of every arc in One Piece they throw a massive rager.
Bro i miss granny fr
Mee too 😭😭😭😭😭
she was so cute as a cat fr
Bro really did dip
i miss the schlong gobbler
Thats crazy but i agree
I miss wiener muncher 😔
She will come back we all know.
Turbo granny was a diva 😭
We can’t cry, remember her wise words: “Queen never cry”
why does the author just butcher up okaruns face when he confesses? this is just sad
Its not a Shojo manga.
whats a shojo? and what is this manga actually is? i just started reading one manga bc of dandadan’s anime
its a shonen/seinen (young boys/mens targeted demographic) manga with an actually good romance at the front of the plot. its what makes this manga so special. Shoujo/Josei is girls/women. Shounen generally have more action & shoujo more romance, this one is perfect blend very rare.
Shojo is a manga which main demographic are mainly girls, teens and young women. Some popular shojo manga anime adaptations are Nana, Cardcaptor Sakura, Banana Fish and Natsume Yuujinchou.
he looks so goofy when he does lmao , i like it
It’s because he’s nervous😭
Bro it’s sooo clearly done on purpose wtf 😭 it’s bc he’s nervous lmao
I think it’s cuz dandadan is an action, comedy and romance manga so I guess they just included the comedy in romance?
Aaaand noone mention what Momo said… “But don’t even think about cheating on me!”
This chapter is so cute. Momokarun is otp
I dont care if shes tiny. Kiss her already you doof!
hell nah
damn turbo granny up and left, guess we won’t get to see any more depreso okarun. eh at least he has me back (my username)
She’ll be back there’s no way they’re just gonna drop the MC’s main power just like that
Lol her jealousy rage is in full force. “So you DO intend to cheat?!” is absolute girl code for “So you DON’T consider us in a relationship already?!”
Dam no more lucky cat huh
The f**k does wilco mean
That’s a pilot reference or something meaning ‘Will do’ or ‘Roger that’.
Small momo: Hey there random kid: Oh were you talking to me smiling Vamolo: Nope! Him: Oh… ABSOLUTE ABOMINATION
she basically said “we aren’t official yet, I want a do-over on the initiation/confession, so next time you better kiss me”
i get that okarun feel powerless since he has now lost turbo granny’s powers but i still think he should start training his chi like jiji
Alguém viu aquele gnomo bizarro ali?
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