Hell yeah
Ngl, I hate Rin’s outfit here. God awful. There are so many things I like about the series but I wish the mangaka wouldnt draw kids like that tbh
It f**kn sucks. Should’ve went with something closer the fancy outfits Taylor Swift wears. A sequin dress would’ve been alright.
Get over it, its either for adult or kids. If the artist wants to draw it that way then let him/her be. It’s not like u’re the one making the art or story.
Yes, the author can do whatever he wants with his story, that doesn’t make it any less weird and doesn’t invalidate criticism of any kind.
I also feel like for Rin, it’s especially disrespectful because of her backstory. One of the main points was that she was being forced to do adult stuff at a young age, forced to grow up. Putting her in a bikini and being sexualized is putting her, a 15-year-old, in an adult situation. (I also get that Japan has different standards of what is “adult” or what is acceptable. I’m just saying how this comes across from my point of view.) I know it’s a small thing and doesn’t completely ruin her character, and others will see it differently, but to me, it feels hypocritical. Again, that’s just my view on it.
I really hope that one day, the practice of sexualizing underage characters in media can stop. Wishful thinking, I know, but I can still hope for it.
you worded this in such a good way
Rin is 17! But your point still stands.
You forgot this is a Shonen/Seinen manga. Its already a given fan service will be included. Seiko is fan service, Momo in undies in multiple chapters, the main plot is Okarun loosing his balls. Yokai and UFO stories always has included sexual innuendos in them. The main plot is already a dirty joke and you just noticed it? Its just pictures and stories about a fictional world with close to real life situations and tragedies. You might end up going crazy if you can’t even differentiate fiction from reality.
Its a story, you either read it or don’t read it, its not that complicated.
“I really hope that one day, the practice of sexualizing underage characters in media can stop. Wishful thinking, I know, but I can still hope for it.”
If you actually used your eyes that were given to you in your miserable ass birth, then you’d know that he meant all those things too. The fact that sexualizing minors have become normal bewilders me. Plus Seiko is an adult, it’s fine for her to be sexualized, not saying people should do it, but she’s over 18.
The lengths you dumbasses go to try and defend CP is actually preposterous. If things are ‘just pictures’ then why is being charged with having CP on your person a crime? The only reason things like this are overlooked is because they’re cartoons and meant to be jokes. As if that’s any reason.
“The fact that sexualizing minors have become normal bewilders me. Plus Seiko is an adult, it’s fine for her to be sexualized, not saying people should do it, but she’s over 18.” It shouldn’t. It’s has a long long history if you think about ideas about marriage and when a women was considered old enough to marry. I think we think a lot more about it (maybe actually idk) then we use to and it’s happening less and less I hope. If you’ve never read it Lolita is a really good read, it’s all from the professors perspective, but Nobakov slips in every now and then these little moments that give you perspective on how dark it is. I also think artist like to draw bodies, a great place to showcase skills, but I hate that so much of manga and media is orientated around highschoolers. It really takes me out of it personally when yeah s**t like this happens.
Nah, y’all are wrong. This is actually beautifully lore-accurate. Remember that Mai’s spirit/yokai is the one that’s manipulating what Rin wears, and Mai always had a knack for “idol” outfits. Since Kawa mf is the one that became “part of” or incorporated into Rin, her outfit looks like that. Mai always wanted to please the crowd, and that’s what her spirit continues to do.
I really hope the practice of westerners judging foreign media by western standards stops. you rac*st asshoe
u wanna see naked teenagers in comics that bad omg
It’s not racist to not want to look at a teen’s underwear you f**king loser. Normal people aren’t pedophiles like your overgrown soyjack a*s
The only legitimate comment I’ve seen in like 50 chapters 😩
Holy yap
it’s a drawing, shut the f**k up already
Tourist. Anime and manga becoming mainstream was a mistake. I can’t wait for the fad to be over so we can be left alone.
Lol dont defend sexualization of children PLEASE
u sound like a gooner man, she’s literally a kid there’s absolutely no plot support for her to be half naked. all it was for was some fan service and it was badddd fan service
Same, i love this manga but its f weird to draw kids like that.
I actually hate mai so much for some reason.
I hate you
Yeah that fkn turtle fkn sucks like s**t
even if you hate they draw kids maybe kinda inappropriately you gotta remember the series is 17+ because of inappropriate topics/plots
It’s weird af, but it’s a manga so you have to take with the losses, ig.
I agree I thought it was gonna something cool like advance armor but it just looked sexualized
For real, it’s classless as f and especially tasteless with what her backstory was. Genuinely steals from such a good moment
So glad I wasn’t the only one who hated her outfit omg, I hate that everything has to be sexualized. Why can’t we just get a elegant/pretty outfit ugh!
Yeah it’s a bit unfortunate but it’s turtle themed and I think the point is to push Rin to be more confident and get out of her comfort zone
Yeah…. “Kids” they are getting killed and aliens are even trying to r*pe them💀 and ur caring about the dress??
The guy’s balls are the main thing of this manga so it’s actually not for kids. And what’s wrong with the outfit. It’s not that bad
Honestly needs like 2000% more fan service that’s the only thing missing here. Have the bikini blow off thus unlocking her full powers.
thank god japan doesn’t care about you
gang, she’s most likely 16 and in Japan that’s been legal for like 50+ years so please please stfu it’s not that deep, she’s a drawing
Agree 100%
there would’ve still been a better way to draw an outfit similar to this style but with more clothes bro this is probably just fan service for the creepy people
Weirdo. Who thinks of sh*t like this? Why is sexualizing the min*r the first thing that crossed your mind?
Ikr, her outfit should’ve been flashy, and not a thirst trap bruh
ewwww i don’t like the gatekeeper outfit haters here get them outttttt
Stay there..police is on their way.
Know about any part-time job that pay a good hourly rate?
there were so many other outfits she could’ve been wearing as an idol smh literally no idol would even wear that
like they have a choice in that industry
nah, this bitch got Lucifero
The outfit is where the line is drawn. What happened to them being naked on top of each other? What about seeing their undies in almost every panel? Y’all killing me
s**t man i don’t think anyone’s happy about that this is just way more overt.
Right, like where was this when okarun was butt ass naked or when Jiji was in literally nothing but tighty whities the entire time he was in the evil eye form or when Aira and momo were in their bras and panties, but oh no a girl in a bikini like stfu, it’s nothing I haven’t seen at the beach dude
Know about any part-time job with a good hourly rate
serpo is so me right now
rins outfit looks cute but girl is 17…questionable yea-
woah, Rin is so cute in that outfit..
I love this manga but this mangaka is weird for doing this stuff to kids. I mean, plot is good, funny, and makes you keep reading it but after some times later -at this point we saw main characters underwear more than handful of times- readers getting seeing main characters -let me remind you, they are all still minors even they are 17- naked/half naked gets weirder and weirder.
in Japan this type of thing is normal and legal, not everywhere has the same morals and beliefs as the U.S. bro take a breathe or two
that does not make it okay at all
This time I understand… idols don’t even dress that way…
Am I the only one totally unbothered by the outfit? This is really tame in comparison to what you’ll see in other shounen manga
When this gets animated, we cant defend Dandadan anymore…
Why y’all fighting? Does the author give a f**k. No? Alright then. Get a move on. If you people don’t like the plot and be a karen, then don’t read it or watch it. If it’s not your cup of tea, then ignore it and move along to find another manga suitable to your taste. If you’re concerned about the characters, please keep in mind that it’s the authors to decide how the story goes, how they imagine it to be, and how they want it to be keep on flowing.
anytime westerners say they hate XYZ in an entertainment medium that wasn’t created in the west or has anything to do with western culture I just bring up Concord.
So her name is Kawabanga and she looks like a turtle… Is anyone else seeing a connection here? Is her favorite food pizza?
Going to be another reason why people hate this anime…
Thank god Japan dont care about stupid weak western opnions. They will keep sexualizing teenagers characters forever, i love Japan for this!
The author is one horny bastrard
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