Man have full blown sobbed twice from this series. 😭💜😭😭😭😭💜😭💜😭
Oh, s**t. Momo is gonna wreck some aliens.
krazy back story too bad idgas
ong bro should’ve never been an opp
You need a properly working brain
i have stroke reading that
I just realised where tf did okuran get one of the serpo telepathic ear pieces
1 braincell (malfunctioning) comment
real bruder
Krazy backstory too bad mines worse and i dont feel pain anymore
I do
nga you stupid as hell
breh this s**t is crazy from funny and happy to a hole damn saddest backstory of the year
Stop this boring story and show me my boy okarun
eat a rock
oh my gosh??
So sad, i cried so much
But now s**t is going to go down, just look at momo
shut the f up
Whole gang just got lore dumped in a split second, this boutta get even crazier
I think everybody there bout to crash out and air that place out and Okarun running in there like shin sonic destroying things in his path
I swear this Manga can make me cry, and laugh at the same time without crying ON GOD 🙏🏻😭😔
HOLY MOLY Momo is about to go in!!!!!
ohhhhh bruhh i only just realised momo saw that whole backstory bruh😭😭
everyone did because of the seropian telepathy things they have on
Dame dane
Everyone’s about to lock in on bro, I’m glad we saw the apartment encounter from Vamola’s POV though
where that bastard okarun at !??
I wonder where is boi okarun and why he isn’t coming
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