Hey this is a great new manga. I got curious ang laughing lol
It is
This is actually nice and intresting
fanservice first chapter?
It’s supposed to be uncomfortable, not fan service, because she’s a child and she’s terrified and aliens are trying to r*pe her.
bottom line, mangaka chose to draw her in these compromising poses/angles. her nudity could have been cropped out of frame or disguised by objects in the foreground to get the point across. (as if the dialogue alone wasn’t enough? i mean, come on 💀) or she could have been wearing shorts and an undershirt instead of a tiny triangle thong? idk. i wanted to believe this manga had a different approach to treating underage girls’ bodies, but it’s hard for me to believe drawing her that way was a very deliberate choice, and not in a good way. pretty disappointing 🙁
and to the comments saying “it’s not that deep” / “it’s just a story”, i would encourage you to try being more critical of the media you consume. believe it or not, works of fiction and our reactions to them do in fact reflect society’s current attitude toward subjects like r*pe and mis*gyny. you can enjoy a manga while still holding your own opinions of what could be improved upon. critical thinking is like a muscle—use it or lose it!
You do not understand at all. You are not Japanese. Yes, it matters. It is not the same as your culture. Respect other cultures. You also do not understand young men. It is obvious. You need experience with the world and people. Sex in Japan is not like USA. Humans have sex. Your disgust is yours alone. Try to figure out why.
i am japanese. i was born in japan. i do not live in the usa. “disgust” and disappointment/critique are not the same thing. your assumptions about me speak volumes. clearly your understanding of japanese culture does not consider the perspectives of the women within it, but this does not surprise me considering japanese culture has always been defined by men, because women are not listened to. but that does not mean our experiences and understanding of sex do not exist within japanese culture or are soley western concepts as you would like to believe. are women like momoko nojo not also a part of japanese culture? or the japanese who have been politically campaigning for the prevention of female human trafficking for decades? the ongoing published research regarding female exploitation from japanese universities? your unwillingness to acknowledge the reality of contemporary japanese culture today and the female voices within it does not surprise me. you clearly do not understand young women. it is obvious. try to figure out why.
So true!!
It isn’t that serious dude, it obviously isn’t meant to be glorified. Crimes happen in pretty much every show but people draw the line at SA, or when a VILLAIN does SA.
it shouldnt feel like fanservice ya freak
Ken is rocking those Calvins
wtf bro you got mis iyase or being you know what I’m trying to say I’m in school bro I could get suspendid
If you talk like that when you have sister like that and you will never talk to a girl with Straght face to face you are a failer its too bad bro
That’s gross af, you should be ashamed
sus tho
I agree, only if you take a gun and shoot it up your mandible and explode your cranium to pieces.
wtf did i just read i thought i was gonna watch the anime im in school and my teacher seen the girl stripped to the chair without barley any other clothes
Its a good manga tho
Cool but um Brazilian
The heavens are disappointed in you
The art style is stunning, and the story is so engaging!
I watched the first 11 episodes on Netflix before funding this. Thanks for the Manga, it’s amazing! To the “I’m a Japanese and hate the fanservice” it could’ve been much worse. The aliens were trying to have sex for crying out loud, that’s their whole deal. Would you rather her have been completely nude!? Think before you act like you know your own culture apparently.
Okarun is like, super hot, and I think this manga has given me some thought, and there is a strong like REALLY strong possibility that I’m into men, seeing this man shirtless and vulnerable made me want to kiss him. I’m 12 so the age gap would be ok.
What in the actual f**k????
Peak Manga
this is very sigma filled. i am here to report this is a mix of 𝔣𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔨𝔶 and silly. very dizzy and famun taxed.
End yourself. You mist be too young to read this.
I love subtle foreshadowing
Bruh ppl are overreacting! Its just a story ://
I love the anime sm the Manga might just be better tho lol waiting for episode 12 <33
wtf is this (I know this is going to be better)
I like the urban legend that says: If you are trying to SA a girl/woman, turbo granny is gonna find you and bite your banana off…
If it’s a harem type I might have reed tilll end 🥲🥲
I love this okarun is the best I hate jiji
For a japanese person, that preachy bitch from above sure quacks like a white female gender studies major. Shut the hell up. No one cares what you think. No one should care what you think.
“Be more critical of the media you consume” seriously, buzz off.
Why so fragile?
Wdym bro fragile how?
I’m glad I’m not in this world
hahaha it is A
Everone here is so serious
I honestly love how they made the art of the fight scenes so detailed, it’s like it’s animated.
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